Exploiting Subdomain Takeover on S3

Gupta Bless
3 min readAug 22, 2020

What Is Sub domain Takeover: When an attacker is able to gain control of a company’s subdomain hosted on a cloud service such as AWS, github etc. because of the DNS entries pointing to that service is not being removed. This allows attacker to set up a phishing page on that sub-domain or serve malicious content.


· Attacker can misuse company’s reputation by send phishing emails from the legitimate domain, perform XSS, phishing, stealing cookies and more.

What is S3(Simple Storage Service): S3 buckets are scalable , high speed , data availability web based cloud storage service designed to use read private, public content or upload content to the buckets. You can also host your webpage on it and can render the contents of this on any of your subdomain using the CNAME DNS entry

Subdomain takeover in amazon s3: Each bucket pointing to a specific domain or subdomain. So sometimes, when s3 buckets is no longer in use customer delete them from their Amazon account, but forgets to remove the DNS entry pointing to that subdomain it may escalate to a subdomain takeover because amazon allow non existing bucket names to be claimed again on any other account.


· We have s3 bucket located here (http://test.s3-website-south-.amazonaws.com) and…

