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What are pre-signed URLs and how to use efficiently
Cloud computing and the ways in which organizations are leveraging AWS as an infrastructure as a service are well-known topics. Thus, users may need to share information with others on occasion, but they may prefer that other users not have access to their AWS credentials or permissions.
If we don’t follow best practices when we make them, an attacker might potentially utilize them to steal sensitive company information. This is why we’ve decided to devote today’s blog post to going over all those guidelines.
What are pre-signed URLs?
Securely transferring huge files and granting controlled access to sensitive company data are both made possible with pre-signed URLs. A legitimate AWS account user creates them and then shares them with anybody else who needs access to the item. Their popularity is growing due to the fact that they offer temporary access, are user-friendly, and may enable secure access management.
In addition, these URLs are compatible with various HTTP methods like GET, PUT, and DELETE, allowing us to choose them according to our needs.